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Sunday, April 15, 2012

The War On Republican Women

I have a daughter growing up in Texas and I'm very concerned for her well-being.  As Republicans are turning back the clock to the 1950's, it's not exactly the best place to live if you're a female. Or a homosexual. Or an African American. Or living with a disability. Or anything except a rich white man...
No. We live in a state that considered forced vaccinations for girls, enacted laws for mandatory ultrasounds, cut funding for low-income women's breast cancer screenings, cut funding for low-income women's ovarian cancer screenings, cut funding for contraception, cut funding for education and has a wage discrepancy of 22.5% from women to men for the same jobs.
I'm not sure I want my little girl to live here, not because of what men are doing to women's rights in Texas, but rather what the "Women of Texas" are NOT doing for their own...

With a Republican "War on Women" raging nationally I've decided to take a stand. It's time we expose these enablers of criminal acts. These Moms, Daughters, Sisters, Cousins and Grandmas. (Especially the Grandmas.) It's time we tell the truth to our children about what their Dads are doing to their rights and what their Moms are allowing to follow.

So today I declare a "WAR ON REPUBLICAN WOMEN!"

These Dirty Sluts and Sell-Out Whores...

Yeah I said it.

Oh don't get so offended. You barely grumbled when Rush Limbaugh said it. In fact many of you respected him and defended him for saying it.
I mean, nothing I could say on this blog would approach the level of disrespect we've heard from the Republican party and it's leadership this year towards women.

I've been following Texas politics for a while now; I try to be magnanimous in my approach. Traveling the state, attending meetings and conventions, I make an effort to shake hands with members from both parties. I've learned one thing to be a constant. Looking for understanding and compassion in a room full of Republican women is heartbreaking. What happened to their spirit? And why do they all have the same haircut?

My travels recently took me to a Council of Republican Women's Forum just north of Round Rock.
I was there supporting a friend running against an incumbent woman commissioner.
I've been to a lot of political meetings in my life. I have never felt so unwelcome, uninvited, and disrespected as I did sitting with these Republican Women.  I was never offered a handshake or a welcome, but rather a withdrawn hand and a sense of exclusion. You can look around--if you can get into the room-- and see the lack of diversity in their ranks. To call the group exclusive would be a tremendous understatement.

As I choked down the geriatric, deathbed, mystery meat that was served during the luncheon, I witnessed a sullen pledge of allegiance to both the American and Texas flags. Sullen...

I was eager to hear their questions and concerns. Surely they would focus on women's rights and how to make their county a better place for their granddaughters to live in. I mean, they are a women's group after all???
What I got instead was an Obama Bashing Rally minus the burning cross.
Right off-the-bat the current commissioners blamed the county's overwhelming debt (over a billion dollars) on "Obama."  A theme that would continue...
This is a county whose bond elections are illegal, whose debt is erupting out of control, and whose criminal justice system is so corrupt, it recently drew the attention of 60 Minutes.

The county and it's elected officials are run by a super majority of Republicans.
Actually, the county is a microcosm of Texas as a whole...

So they have these big issues to discuss, here is their chance to get some answers, instead these were the questions asked:

If elected, will you pledge to make "English" the official language of the county?

How many minutes does it take to turn onto a country road at a new stop light?

Will you take an oath to vote straight-ticket Republican in November?

The fourth question we never got around to as the lady asking the question consequently forgot the question. She also forgot her own name. (no shit)

The moderator never made it to our side of the room and it was obvious that all the questions were scripted and the audience members plants.

If ever there was a reason for why I'm a progressive Democrat, it was because of these old, bitter, hateful, deceitful hens.
And I'd like to say to them on behalf of myself and my daughter, NO THANK YOU!

I leaped from the table and towards the exit, then back to my Blue County as fast as I could.
There was nothing and I mean NOTHING to be gained here.

Now onto the WAR. Because they deserve it. You enablers of violence towards women. You hawks. You racists. You poor excuse for mothers and grandmothers.


Really ladies. Take some of that mattress money and hit the beauty salon for some highlights and make-up for God sakes. Do us all a favor and lose the J.C. Penny pant-suits, fat jeans and grey mullets. Try a nice sundress once in a while. Just because you act like you have a cock and balls doesn't mean you have to look like it.

No wonder Republican men were so turned on by Sarah Palin, look who they've got to go home to,
Nurse Ratched.

Actually to call them Nurse Ratched is an insult to Nurse Ratched.
It's more like being married to Atilla The Hun.

I got my eye on you broads. As hard as that might be...

I know your game, it's hate and fear. It's anger and greed. It's dependence on your hateful husbands. I believe in the young women of this country, but Texas I fear, is infected with female issues the likes of which we haven't seen since the Civil War. How can we educate the women of our state in the face of such great oppression by it's leaders and complacency by it's women? I'm teaching my daughter to be independent and self sufficient in the hopes she realizes she doesn't have to prostitute herself in the name of hate and political opinion like these women have. She won't NEED a man to support her and thereby compromise her integrity. She can have her own ideas and they won't be based on old, racist, ignorant, white men. And as she grows older she will know that just because she's old, doesn't mean she has to smell like moth balls.


  1. LOVE THIS! it was featured in my!! gonna promote the poo out of it :-)

  2. Tamra,

    Thank you for spreading the word. Anything you can do would be much appreciated.
    I would be interested in looking at your paper if you could send a link?

    Dr. J

  3. You Libs are the working definition of liars , hypocrites, and whining crybabies that love to dish it out but can't take it. The only question is, are you so stupid you don't even know it, or do you just have no shame. Let's take three of your supposed sacred cow minority groups as an example - Muslims, gays, and women. I know President Obama almost always favors Muslim murderers over peace loving Christians or Jews, as evidenced by the current support of The Muslim Jihadists in Syria, people who torture and murder entire families just because they're Christian ( But hey, what's the big deal , right ? ) What I don't understand is the lack of Liberal outrage at Muslims treating homosexuality as a capital offense, or the fact that they beat, rape, and kill women with impunity, and think it's their divine right to do so. THAT'S the real war on women and gays, not the phony baloney stuff you Libs make up or blow out of proportion, Having said this, I think I know the answer - Libs and Muslim Jihadists both hate America's founding values, especially Christianity, although Liberals also hate things like free enterprise, self sufficiency, and personal responsibility. Let me ask you geniuses something, What do you think is going to happen if Muslims take over THIS country, especially since a lot of you Libs are Jews, gays, and "uppity" females ? Do you think you're going to cut a deal with them or buy them off ? Fat chance, they're true believers. Now for a few remarks about the alleged Republican war on women. I'll agree that you may have some valid points about health care screening for poor women and forced vaccinations for young girls ( parents should have the final word on that ) My main gripe is you hypocrites slander and demean Republican women in the most vile ways then say that Conservatives hate women, but then I guess Republican women aren't REAL women in your eyes. For instance, the current governor of California calling Sharon Engle a whore. Based on what, the fact that she's a female ? At least when Limbaugh inferred that Sandra Fluck was slut. he may have had a valid point. If she engages in the type of rampant promiscuity she seems to promote, maybe the shoe fits. Then there's "comedians" who make cheap sexual innuendos about Sarah Palin and her kids, or the media " commentator " that said someone should defecate in Palin's mouth ( Yeah, but that Duck Dynasty guy, he's the real hate monger, right ? ) Then there's Clinton the former president, Edward Kennedy, and Elliot Spitzer. These individuals are guilty of either raping women, cheating on their wives. or negligent homicide against a woman, but are still Liberal icons with long careers. One other thing - what's with the cheap shots about Republican women's appearance ? I thought jugging women by their looks was sexist. Now let's see if your cowards who delete my post By the way, I'm padave1953@yahoo,com
