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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Crucifixcion of America Pt. 1: The Reagan Years

"We're going to turn the 'Bull', loose." -Ronald Reagan, March 29, 1985

Who tells the president to, "speed it up?"
The man from Merrill Lynch, that's who.
Things in America would never be the same again.

The country would now be run like a corporation.

Today:  Americans watch and suffer as Exxon/Mobile, Koch Industries and other big businesses see yet another quarter of record shattering profits. They also see a pattern of massive layoffs over the past several years that would indicate that their opinions on how to fix the economy aren't quite what the TeeVee told ya!
You can't go around asking for tax breaks, get em, then fire your workforce? Can ya?
After all, you're the "job creators" ain't ya?
Maddow via The Huffington Post breaks it all up on your chest here. Watch the video. Stay tuned for the chart that shows tax cuts, income, and layoffs at America's top businesses.

I know...I know.... You teabaggers don't believe in charts, graphs, pinwheels, petri dishes or intelligent leadership(just design), but you can at least wrap your poor heads around taxing the WEALTHY?
The polls would indicate...

Update: This week; Elizabeth Warren moves ahead of the "untouchable" Scott Brown in the polls.

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