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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

They're All Tripping

Me: The Republican Presidential Debate is on tonight, honey...
My Wife: Are you gonna torture me with that shit?

Feed the monkey-watch him dance.

Here's a collection of Facebook comments from my friends and I regarding the Debate:

"I'm making preparations to watch the Republican Presidential Debate, or as I like to call it, lies and the lying liars who tell them."

"Me like science!"
"Bachman wants to build a multi billion dollar thousands of mile long fence. That ought to work out great Michelle. Sure it won't be a complete waste of taxpayer money. Go eat another corn dog already."
 " Perry wants thousands of border patrol agents from the federal government, but does not want the federal government involved. My head is about to explode."
"Did Perry just say TX cleaned its air better than any state? Now I do need a drink."
 "25 minutes in and I'm still waiting for a truthful statement from anyone besides John Huntsman."
 "Palin not to outstage the debate in progress is having her own debate on fox tonight with herself. Should be a show stopper!!"
" Is it me, or did Rick Perry just blame declining graduation rates on Mexicans?"
"Did Perry really just boast about clean air in Texas? BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!"
 "If anyone needs socialized medicine, it's Ron Paul. Poor man reminds me of a senile uncle..."
 "Maybe he could go to Dr. Bachmann's reparative therapy clinic. After all, it's federally funded"
 "Yes, and they pray the senility away, completely non-invasive. And bipartisan too, yes? Excellent choice."
 "Just finished up the de-bait. I haven't been lied to this much since college...
I need a shower now."
"Some teachable moments in tonight's debate: One in four Texans are uninsured. One in seven Americans are poor. Mit Romney's state has socialized medicine and IT WORKS! Mexicans are to blame for Texas' increasing dropout rates. Ron Paul is a champion for those suffering with senile dementia. Michelle Bachmann, oh never-mind about Michelle Bachmann. Texas has clean air(who knew). John Huntsman sounds halfway sane. Someone should tell Newt Gingrich that these are his opponents."
 "I thought Newt was gonna make out with Romney and Perry. Let's hope that's as close as any of these clowns gets to Air Force One."
" I forgot to note that anytime you mention killing people in a room full of republicans, you're guaranteed applause."
 "Mock Perry if you want, but Americans vote for hair. We can only hope Congress does not declare a monarchy with Perry, or at least his hair, as perpetual ruler."
 "It's a toupee, you do know that, right?"
 "If Bush was cancer, and Obama chemo, Rick Perry is what it looks like when the cancer returns."
Perry: "I will always err on the side of saving lives" OK...what about the 45,000 who die every year because they have no health care?
OMG what did Michele Bachman do to her hair? I thought I stumbled on an ad for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"
 I love my friends. Keep it real.

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